Saturday 1 August 2015

Fancy Pictures and...An Explanation

So seeing as I am doing nothing at the moment, I thought I would pop over to my blog and write a short, snappy post.

So what I am giving you is:

A couple of random pictures from whether it be ages ago or yesterday. So here we go! (I'll explain each photo as I move along.)

The Moving Coffee Cups
Okay so call me weird but I actually quite like this one. t was taken yesterday at the cinema's Costa. I just got out my camcorder, zoomed in and took a quick snap and that's how it turned out. I named it 'The Moving Coffee Cups' because it looks like everything is moving but them.

Life Inside A Straw
This one is literally just inside a straw. I guess you could of said I was pretty curious that day!

Professional Choc-Milk  
I took this one when I had a glass of chocolate milk and I was bored. When I took it though my friend said "Have you actually taken that picture yourself or have you just taken it from Google images?" I was like "No, no just myself." and he said it looked professional. I am pretty proud of my photography skills! xD

So there you have it. If you want more random photo's and there stories behind them, drop a comment in the comments section letting me know!
Ladykie xx

Friday 31 July 2015

Everyday Makeup - Why do you wear it?

So I was thinking about how people wear their everyday make-up. For me it's usually a bit of rose blusher (the picture above.) And some mascara. Nothing much.

the reasons I wear make-up is:
1. Because my friends do
2. To look more presentable
3. Because I want to

Am I wearing make-up for the wrong reasons? I would really like to know why your wear make-up (if you wear make-up) and that question is for anyone; girls and boys.

So if you don't mind, please let me know the reason you wear make-up,
Ladykie xx

Can you be obsessed with Coffee?

So I think I'm obsessed with coffee.
 I don't know if that's an actual thing or anything but yeah.
I mean, I used to grab coffee every other week but now it's a constant. Not everyday but quite regularly. Coffee is great though...don't you think?

I usually go for something different every time.

Last time I went for an Iced Latte in the picture above.

So can you be obsessed with coffee? What do you think? Please let me know in the comments below!

Ladykie xx

P.S. Costa is a great coffee place...:)

Thursday 30 July 2015

Sowwy :-(

So sorry I haven't posted in a month or longer! :o

I have finished school for the summer now,

I think I want to go back to school now please...

I have been on a camping trip actually so far which was pretty fun. The seagulls were kind of annoying though. The week flew by so it went very quickly. Around the area, there were lots of fish towns and seeing as I ♥ seafood, that was a bonus!

Currently, I am in a local library typing this and I have just inspired my friends to start a blog too.
Go follow them:

So how are you enjoying the Summer Holidays so far?
Please let me know in the comments,
Ladykie xx

P.S. Make sure you give my friends a follow, thanks x

Sunday 21 June 2015


Hey everyone,

So if you're a massive Zoella fan and you haven't watched this video yet, you better watch it *does happy dance*

This was a quick alert post so I'll be blogging properly tomorrow (I haven't been well today...STILL! x-o) Thanks for understanding,

Ladykie xx

P.S. I am literally posting this all over my social media's right now. #fangirlalert

Saturday 20 June 2015

I've got a question for you.

Hey everyone,
So I woke up today I woke up with a bit of a sniffle and cough. Also my bones are aching but that's just probably because I did like 50 sit-ups last night...(pssst, don't do sit-ups when ill).


I'm so freaking annoyed right now because today I am going out with a group of friends which I am NOT going to miss, ill or not!


One of my friends just messaged me on Skype. They always seem to message me whilst I'm blog writing but it doesn't really bother me.
So this is a short blog post because I will be blogging later today to.
I'll be back soon with another life post,
Ladykie xx

P.S. Does tea help clear sniffling?
Let me know in the comments please,
bye xx

Friday 19 June 2015

Waiting not very patiently...

...Hi everyone *waves*,
So today, I don't feel very well.
Feeling unwell isn't very good, especially today because:
1. It was the last day I and my friends had chance to eat lunch in our usual place.
2. It was the last day before the school rules are being changed. x-O
3. Friday is the best day of the week.
We have to move our eating position because of number 2 in the list above and eating where we eat BANNED.
Why be ill on a Friday though? x-O
I guess it's not that bad though, maybe I'm just over exaggerating? I don't know.

On a different note,
Yeah, he hasn't been vlogging/making videos in the past 2 days. He told us on his twitter.

And now I'm just sat here waiting for the epic people (aka- my friends) to come on Skype...waiting pati.... I mean, not very patiently but I do give people a chance to get home and stuff.


I just felt like writing 'stuff'.


Wait...WHAT! They're all offline Skype...


Anyway I'm going to stop blogging and start simming.

I'll be back tomorrow with an exciting post (I'm actually being a social person and hanging around with my friends)

Ladykie xx
P.S - I actually feel a little better now xD