Saturday 1 August 2015

Fancy Pictures and...An Explanation

So seeing as I am doing nothing at the moment, I thought I would pop over to my blog and write a short, snappy post.

So what I am giving you is:

A couple of random pictures from whether it be ages ago or yesterday. So here we go! (I'll explain each photo as I move along.)

The Moving Coffee Cups
Okay so call me weird but I actually quite like this one. t was taken yesterday at the cinema's Costa. I just got out my camcorder, zoomed in and took a quick snap and that's how it turned out. I named it 'The Moving Coffee Cups' because it looks like everything is moving but them.

Life Inside A Straw
This one is literally just inside a straw. I guess you could of said I was pretty curious that day!

Professional Choc-Milk  
I took this one when I had a glass of chocolate milk and I was bored. When I took it though my friend said "Have you actually taken that picture yourself or have you just taken it from Google images?" I was like "No, no just myself." and he said it looked professional. I am pretty proud of my photography skills! xD

So there you have it. If you want more random photo's and there stories behind them, drop a comment in the comments section letting me know!
Ladykie xx